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5 Tips for Surviving the Holidays in Fort Myers

Written by Jean Jones | November 30, 2015

In the books, songs and movies that make up our popular culture, the holidays are supposed to be the most special and important time of year. But for many people, the holidays bring at least equal parts stress and joy. It's not unusual if you feel sad or stressed out before the holidays, but there are some ways to help yourself feel better.

1. Let Go of Perfection

At this time of year we’re bombarded with images of perfect holiday gatherings, decorated trees and beautifully decked out homes. But trying to live up to these high expectations can be tiring and stressful. Let go of unrealistic goals and focus on what’s truly important. Relax, be yourself, and don’t worry if everything’s not perfect. After all, your friends and family have come to see you, not your perfect table setting.

2. Don't Neglect Your Health

Many people neglect their health during the holidays, just because of the stress and amount of time needed to get everything done. You might be more likely to skip the gym, indulge in a little comfort eating, or shortchange your sleep – the things that keep you physically and mentally healthy all year long. Sleep, exercise, and a healthy diet will make it easier to deal with holiday stress. Don’t forget that the Springs Apartments fitness center is open 24-hours a day for residents, making it convenient to get in a workout anytime.

3. Don't Be Alone

The holidays can be a very lonely time, especially if your family is far away or you're not close to them. If you don't want to be alone during the holidays, make plans to keep yourself busy. Invite friends over to your home for a low-key party. If you're new in town and don't really know anyone, try volunteering with a local charity. You'll be among people and feel good about helping others.

4. Say No Sometimes

You’ll likely be asked to help out with a lot of things during the holidays. Whether that’s planning the office holiday luncheon or being invited to a party for a neighbor you don't know very well. It's not realistic to do everything you're asked, so say no to some invitations, and brush off any guilt you might feel about it.

5. Take Time for Yourself

Around the holidays you hear “It’s better to give than to receive,” but don’t get so focused on pleasing others that you forget to enjoy the holidays yourself. Go out to lunch with a friend or get a mug of hot chocolate and put on a classic holiday movie like “White Christmas” or “It’s a Wonderful Life.” And don’t be afraid to treat yourself to something special like some me-time at a spa or some of the fun holiday activities in Fort Myers.

Get in the holiday spirit and have some fun. Have any other ideas on reducing stress around the Holidays? Let us know in the comments.