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6 Things to Love About Southwest Florida

Written by Candice Rodgers | April 03, 2017

No Matter What Brings You to Florida, There Is Plenty to Love!

Southwest Florida attracts people from all walks of life and at all phases of their lives. Once you arrive, you are as likely to meet a lifelong resident as a transplant from a northern U.S. state and beyond. Whether you are transferring to the area for an exciting new job, or you are a snowbird looking for a winter retreat, you can enjoy all the many benefits of becoming a Floridian. Besides the warmth, sunshine, and nearby Gulf of Mexico, cities like Fort Myers, Estero, and Naples are chock full of attractions, events, landmarks, entertainment, recreational opportunities, and so much more. 

Explore These 6 Things to Love About Southwest Florida

A move to a new area can make anyone feel uncertain, no matter how beautiful you know it is. Leaving friends, family, and familiar cities behind can feel unsettling. It may help you to learn about some of the best things about living in Southwest Florida, whether temporarily or permanently. While there are far more than 6 things to love about this part of Florida, we think this list features some favorites that locals, part-time retirees, new permanent arrivals, and visitors from far away can agree are pretty special. 

  1. Wildlife, Wildlife, and More Wildlife! There is no shortage of breathtaking wildlife in the area . Between land, bird, and sea animals that include alligators, dolphins, eagles, flamingoes, butterflies, and manatees, you can regularly see just about any animal you want to in its natural habit or within a safe and protected wildlife refuge. Residents in communities like the Springs at Six Mile Cypress in Fort Myers only have a 16 mile drive along I-75 to visit the awe-inspiring Caloosahatchee National Wildlife Refuge (NWR). Another treat for Fort Myers locals, as well as a large collection of internet fans, is the local bald eagle nest
  2. Historic Sites Abound. While there are many historic sites in the area, the Koreshan State Historic Site is really meaningful. Cyrus Reed Teed was a pioneer who brought followers to launch his new faith, Koreshanity. Visitors can view structures associated with the Koresh Unity before enjoying a picnic, canoeing, or taking a good hike. Additional historic sites include Fort Myers Downtown Commercial District and Gasparilla Island State Park. 
  3. The Cost of Living Is Relatively Inexpensive. This coveted feature is particularly true when comparing the cost of living between the east and west coast of Florida. U.S. News Real Estate reports that residents of Fort Myers benefit from having to pay no state income taxes. You can also find that everyday expenses, such as groceries, are affordable. 
  4. The Food Is Phenomenal. While seafood runs away with the highest marks on this point, you will find plenty of fare to satisfy your tastes, such as breads and pastries, BBQ, and ice cream. 
  5. It Is Easy to Step Away from the Daily Grind to Soak Up the Surrounding Nature. Residents in communities like Springs at Gulf Coast in Estero are close to several nature preserves, including Estero Bay Aquatic Preserve, which features an estuary that fosters a unique and stunning ecosystem and brims with marine life. Additional nature preserve hotspots include Lover's Key State Recreation Park and Collier-Seminole State Park. 
  6. Shopping Is All Around. Shopping is a favorite pastime in this vibrant area. Whether you are on vacation and want to find a gift or a postcard, or you simply need daily necessities, you will not need to travel far. 

We Can Help You Dig Deeper to Fall In Love with Florida

Once you arrive in SW Florida, we want you adapt and settle in as quickly and comfortably as possible. If you have any concerns and need more things to love about this beautiful area that we treasure, we hope you will reach out to us for more information and ideas.