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Tips for Relocating to Southwest Florida

Written by Jenny Barnett | November 14, 2016

Moving to Southwest Florida can be a big change. There's a lot to get used to, from the climate to your new apartment community. The following relocation tips will help ensure things go smoothly as you plan your move, settle in, and unpack your boxes.


  • Use Google Maps on Street View to get a sense of what your new Southwest Florida neighborhood looks like before you make the big move. This way, the place will feel a bit more familiar when you arrive.
  • Visit for information about local government, sports leagues, parks, community events, and more.
  • Compare the cost of living in Southwest Florida to that of your current location to get a better idea of what you can afford for rent and other expenses.  
  • If you haven’t found an apartment or are unable to tour in-person before moving, look for communities like Springs Apartments which offer live online tours of the apartment and community.

Handling the Logistics

  • Don't push yourself to unpack everything all at once. Unpack the essentials, and leave other boxes in a corner for a few weeks, so you can use your time to explore your new neighborhood and make new friends. The boxes will still be waiting there when you feel refreshed and ready to work on unpacking again.
  • If you need help carrying heavy items or repositioning some furniture, don't be afraid to ask a neighbor. Most will be happy to help, and you'll have the chance to form new friendships.
  • Go room by room when unpacking and arranging everything. This will help keep you organized and give you a sense of accomplishment as you check rooms off your list.

Settling In

  • Once everything is unpacked and arranged, consider throwing a housewarming party! Ask everyone to bring a dish to pass so you don't have to cook.
  • Take advantage of resources like the community pool, club hour or fitness center to not only engage in activities you love, but to also meet fellow residents.
  • If you have dogs, take breaks from unpacking to bring them to the community dog park. They're probably a bit stressed from the change in their routine, and exercise will help them settle down.
  • Get into the habit of watching the local news to stay up-to-date on what's happening in the Fort Myers area.
  • Find a coffee shop where you feel comfortable and at-home so you have a go-to place if you need to get some extra work done.

Springs Apartments offers two communities in the Southwest Florida area: Springs at Six Mile Cypress and Springs at Estero. Friendly neighbors, helpful associates, and a wealth of community amenities make it easy to settle in and feel at home. Feel free to contact us to learn more about our floor plans and leasing options.