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10 Things to Consider Before Beginning Your Apartment Search

Written by Jean Jones | December 05, 2017

So you've made the decision that it's time to look for a new apartment home. Maybe you've taken a new job that's further away, or you can afford a larger apartment with more amenities.

Regardless of the reason, don't rush headlong into your search without setting up some guidelines. Here are important issues to consider before scheduling your first apartment viewing.


  • Having a firm monthly budget established is the main factor that will narrow down the pool of potential apartments. Be sure to include utilities, cable, Internet, renter's insurance and other related expenses.
  • Do you have enough cash set aside upfront? You'll most likely have to pay an application fee and security deposit along with the first month's rent. Some landlords will also ask for last month's rent. If you've never had utilities in your name, you may have to submit deposits for those as well.
  • Your credit score can make the difference as to whether or not your application is accepted. Request a copy of your credit report and review it carefully for inaccurate information. Immediately take steps to correct any errors you find.


  • How far are you willing to commute to work each day? Use that distance as a guide to create a geographical circle with your workplace at the center. Focus your search on this area.
  • What kind of lifestyle do you prefer? If you value peace and quiet, you probably won't feel comfortable in a busy urban neighborhood. On the other hand, if you're a social butterfly, you'll want to be where the action is.
  • When it comes to transportation, more and more people are going green. If you're in that group, you may want to look for a community with a solid public transportation system or maybe even one where you can walk or bike to many destinations.
  • If you have a family, that will be a major consideration in your choice of geographic location. You'll want an area with a good school system that's close to doctors, libraries and other kid-centric services.


  • Roommate or no roommate is probably the single biggest decision you'll need to make. Your budget may answer the question for you, but sharing an apartment with a roommate, even if it's a significant other, is a serious commitment that shouldn't be taken lightly.
  • Create a wishlist of features and amenities that you want in your next apartment. Sort them into two groups: nice-to-have and deal breakers.
  • Whom do you want to rent from? This may not seem significant, but it can make an impact on your day-to-day satisfaction. Individual landlords have a personal stake in the property, but they can be frustrating to deal with. With professional on-site management, there's always someone available to address your questions and concerns.

Our Springs luxury apartment communities are located in the most desirable neighborhoods and offer a full complement of upscale amenities. Stop in and learn more from a friendly member of our on-site management team.