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Workin' 9 to 5 — 9 Tips to Boost Productivity in Your Home Office

Written by Jean Jones | June 27, 2017

Telecommuting has moved into the mainstream. Earlier this year, the New York Times reported that 43 percent of employed Americans worked away from the office at least part of the time.

Are you part of the virtual office revolution? If you're setting up shop in your Springs luxury apartment home, we've compiled a list of some helpful tips to improve productivity.

1. Set Up a Specific Work Area

Sitting on the couch with your laptop is more conducive to surfing the net than working. Whether you use a spare bedroom or carve out a separate space in another room, having a dedicated "office" will signal your brain that it's time to work. 

2. No Pajamas Allowed

The idea of working in your jammies may be super appealing, but it's another habit that blurs the line between work and play. You don't need to wear traditional business attire, but leave the PJs for bedtime.

3. Establish Business Hours

Family and friends will find it easy to forget that you're working and may think it’s okay to interrupt at any time. Establish a daily work schedule and enforce it. Some people find it helpful to use traffic light-style signage on the door or on their computer to indicate their accessibility.

4. Take a Break... or Two

You would take breaks if you were in an actual office, so why should it be any different at home? Scientists have established that periodic work breaks boost productivity. Have a bite to eat, read a magazine or get some fresh air with a short walk. 

5. Be Flexible

There are bound to be times where you find yourself simply spinning your wheels. Don't be afraid to grab your laptop and head out to a coffee shop or over to our Springs community clubhouse. Sometimes a change of scenery is an effective kickstart.

6. No Socializing

Social media is a black hole that will suck you in despite your best intentions. If your resistance is particularly low, remove sites from your toolbars and bookmarks to lessen the temptation.

7. Stay in Touch 

No matter how much you enjoy the solitude and freedom, you'll occasionally experience feelings of isolation. Get in the habit of calling your co-workers regularly. You'll feel like you're still in the loop, and it won't hurt to have your boss know you're working hard.

8. Reach Out

It's always comforting to associate with others who share the same experiences. Meetup has dozens of telecommuter networking groups around the world with more than 15,000 members. Can't find one you like? Start your own!

9. Walk Away

As important as it is to have a set schedule, knowing when to quit is equally necessary. If you don't "leave the office behind" when the workday is over, the job starts bleeding into your personal life and both will suffer. 

Share your best work-from-home tips in the comments!