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Did you feel a sense of relief when you graduated, thinking you were done with worries about homework, tests and report cards? Now you have an even more important job: helping your kids successfully navigate school.
It may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. Here are some expert tips to get all of you through the Twin Cities school year with less stress and more confidence.
Plan a Visit to the Doctor's Office
Schools are notorious breeding grounds for colds, flu and other childhood ailments. Schedule a complete physical exam for your child to make sure there are no health concerns. Poor vision makes school work a struggle, so be sure to include an eye exam too.
Set Up a Study Area
It's next to impossible for kids to study if they're lying on a bed or sitting in front of a TV. Set up a corner or other out-of-the-way area that is devoted exclusively to homework time. Why not partition off a spot with a room divider that can be set up and removed as needed?
Stick to a Regular Bedtime
Throughout generations, kids have rebelled against bedtime, and yours are probably no exception. Don't be swayed by pleas to stay up and watch the Timberwolves game or break through to the next level of Halo. They won't learn much if they can't keep their eyes open the next day.
Read Together
Who says storytime has to end once kids start school? Reading with your child is a great way to spend quality time together while instilling a love of books through your words and actions.
Be Supportive, Not Smothering
Providing help and direction with homework demonstrates a sincere interest. If you actually do the homework yourself, all it teaches your kids is that you will bail them out anytime some effort is needed on their part. Don't rob them of the satisfaction that comes from figuring things out on their own.
Get to Know Their Teachers
Shouldn't you know something about the men and women who are charged with educating your kids? Be diligent about attending parent-teacher conferences, open houses and other events where you can meet the teachers and get objective feedback about your child's performance. Don't be afraid to ask questions and get advice about the best ways to help them.
What's your favorite memory of your school days? Share it with us in the comments!
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