Tips for Getting Established Quickly in Tulsa

March 31, 2016

Getting-Established-Tulsa.jpgMoving to a new city or state can be the start of a fantastic new chapter in your life, but even the best moves can leave you feeling a bit out of place. But with a little pre-move research and an organized plan, you’ll be well prepared to establish your new life with little hassle.

Before You Move:

  1. Set up your utilities, arrange for a landline phone if you want one, as well as Internet. This will help you be ready to go from the moment you step inside your apartment home.
  2. Ask your current doctors and dentists for provider recommendations for Tulsa. If they don't have any recommendations, start looking through city information forums and review websites to see which names have the most positive recommendations.
  3. Start packing as soon as you can. When you're packing items you use daily, be sure to label those boxes so you know to unpack them first.
  4. Print out a floor plan of your new apartment and start planning where your furniture will go. If you do this now, you can have movers place your furniture exactly where you want it, saving you time and effort later on.

After You Move:

  1. Immediately take care of your move-in walk-through so the apartment management can address anything that needs to befixed or adjusted.
  2. Check out food and restaurant blogs in Tulsa and find a restaurant you’d like to try.
  3. Update your driver's license, vehicle registration, voter registration, and any memberships you may have at warehouse stores.
  4. Start looking at Meetups or other social groups, so you can get out and start meeting people. The transition to a new city is always better when you can start forming friendships early on.

Have any other pointers for getting established in Tulsa? Let us know in the comments below!

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